Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Remember to Tip your Waitresses!

Everyone knows this phrase from the end of cheesy stand-up comedians' performances, but why only the waitresses? Why not everyone else that contributed to the meal you just polished off? If it wasn't for them, the 6 oz. steak you just devoured would still be the backside of a cow.

Most restaurants do give cooks a percentage of the tips the waitresses make, but when people tip something like a couple of quarters, which is all too common, 10 percent isn't all that much. When the menu says it is made to order, they aren't kidding. A lot of work goes into every meal.

It's not only the cooks, but what about gas jockeys? Those people freeze beside your car, filling it with fuel as you sit inside with the heat cranked, only allowing the icy wind to enter through the small crack at the top of the window when you say "20" and pass through a crumpled bunch of bills. Minimum wage does not suffice for the frostbitten hands and toes, and snot icicles making a rash on their upper lip.

All I ask is that you keep this in mind the next time you are enjoying an expertly crafted meal, or sitting in your car thinking, "I'm glad I'm not out there." After all, if it wasn't for them, you would be freezing your butt off, or at home cooking a pot of KD.


  1. Despite how cold they are they're always so polite! This gives me something to think about!

  2. I think it's odd that the tipping standard here in Winnipeg is 10%. In the rest of the civilized world, it's at least 15% or even 20%. I'm adamant about tipping. To me, it's a maker or breaker thing.

  3. i know i definately always feel bad for the gas jockeys in the winter. there is no way i could handle standing there for a couple hours and not get anything but minimum wage out of it. i think i just might start tipping them..

  4. I actually tipped a gas jockey a couple of years ago and he looked at me like I was from Mars. He appreciated it, but certainly was not used to it. Especially in the winter, why not? At least once in a while.
