Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The City at 3 in the Morning

This past weekend, sitting around with a few friends in the small town of Stonewall late at night proved to be very boring. On a whim, someone said, "Hey! Lets go catch a midnight movie in the city!" That seemed like the perfect Adventure for our boring Saturday night, so we all piled in my tiny 2-door, and hit the road.

Twenty minutes of loud music later, not only were our ears ringing, we arrived at the theatre where sadly, there was no midnight movie. We were all very disappointed, But being someone to never miss a moment, we used our trip to the city to find something to do; we were not going to head home, that would be boring again. First, we stopped at Wal-Mart to discover it was closed. Next we decided to head down portage avenue to see if any nice cars were out driving around. That was entertaining for a little while. We suddenly found ourselves on main street, so not to
end our journey there, I said, "Hey! Lets go explore the city!" That sounded like a great idea, so we started to drive around. We flipped a coin to decide which way to go, and eventually got lost in the depths of Winnipeg. The city is an interesting place. Me, living in small towns my whole life, have never been able to experience what it's like to be in a place so busy, even in the dead of the night.

The sights we saw were very exciting. We checked out Osborne Village, which is always exciting, drove down the Corydon Strip, which was also full of excitement. We turned down the music for a moment, rolled down the windows, and just listened to the sounds of the street, the people talking, cars whizzing by, chiming of the "Don't Walk" signal. It wasn't just the sounds that were exciting, the sights were also fascinating. There were people all dressed up for a night on the town, walking down the streets. Some buildings were lit up with all sorts of neon lights that changed colour over time. In the trees, bright colourful Christmas lights were strung. It was almost magical. It is difficult to think that this sort of stuff goes on every night, while back at home, its dark, and absolutely no one is to be found outside.

That trip was an eye opener to how much really goes on in the world that I was oblivious to. Now, my friends that went on the trip and I plan on having similar trips regularly, and once the last of us reach legal age, will maybe even go walk down that Corydon Strip, and join in the nightlife, making some memories of our own.


  1. I agree, a beautiful night in Winnipeg can seem very magical.

    And just think-- nights on Winnipeg streets are relatively dead compared to those in big buzzing cities like Montreal and Toronto. You'd be blown away!!

  2. I have no idea how you did it, but you just made me really want to explore downtown. I guess living here I just sort of came to terms with boring ol' Winnipeg, but maybe it's time to re-evaluate!

  3. Winnipeg after dark (I'm talking Corydon, not Langside!) in the summertime has a great energy, and you've captured it really nicely in your post. Nice job!

  4. Great post, Adam. I love exploring cities in the evening. They turn into completely different places at night.
