Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Don't want Your $#@&* BALL!

A phrase commonly heard in my house in the evening, due to the persistence and irritation caused by a whole eight pounds of furry fury. of course, I'm talking about my little doggie, Pookie.

Pookie has been memorable since the day my family got her. She found comfort in calmly climbing up onto my lap and curling up. All in the house was quiet, and we liked it that way.

The month of quiet Pookie was Merely a calm before the storm. The dog was settled in finally, and I had discovered her natural ability to fetch, which was cause for excitment because we had never had a dog before that fetched. Any who, Pookie learned a game she could play, and we had a blast throwing a little stuffed lamb across the kitchen floor.

The following months showed a transition from sweet little puppy, to an insane beast, hellbent on getting a stupid little red ball thrown repeatedly for hours. Her persistence is astounding. She will try every tactic possible to get that ball in the air, and does it too. She uses the sweet puppy face, sitting at the edge of the couch staring. She will even try sharing, maybe to show just how fun fetch is, and she'll climb up onto you with the ball and try to put it in your mouth. Of course, the offer is appreciated, but you find yourself forced to throw the ball in an attempt to prevent future 'gifts' like those. Throwing it is exactly what Pookie wanted, and I give in every time, without even realizing it.

Give it half an hour of throwing the ball, anybody would be done in, and say, "that's enough Pookie," over and over at each of her attempts to lure you to throw it. every time she tries, your voice gets angrier and angrier, as the annoyance increases, until finally you feel the urge to just throw that damn little ball away so she can't find it. Of course, that is her goal, and she will chase after it, happier than ever. Outsmarted by a dog. How embarrassing!


  1. hahah thats too cute. I love that she tries to shove the ball in your mouth too :P smart puppy. she knows eventually you'll get so annoyed you'll take it and throw it! ha

  2. Sounds like my mom's dog. She's a bully.

  3. I once upper-cutted one of my dogs... He's a real hellraiser. He craves attention 24/7 so he came and threw both of his front paws directly onto my face. Needless to say, my temper took the best of me... Not a proud moment of my past.

  4. He's a big dog so don't worry, he can hold his own. haha
